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M.Fusion - Product


At Monterro, we’ve developed a new way to accelerate your product offering.

We support you across product management, building out product roadmaps, and developing your product strategy. Crucially, we also help you in both transitioning from on-premise to SaaS, and with cloud scaling.


Product offering


From vision and strategy, to offering and features


Chances are, you have a great product already, but there is always room to improve.

We help you take your current offering to the next level and to develop new offerings based on our knowledge of your customers, your market, and our past experience. We support you in the vision and strategy phase, in the use-cases, commercial stories, and MVPs phase, right through to rollout to new customers and cross-selling to existing ones.


Product roadmap

Guidance on product strategy and future offerings


In the fast-paced SaaS world, if you stand still, you don’t survive very long. But we know a roadmap isn’t just about telling development what to do next, it’s about converting your product vision into an actionable roadmap that communicates to all stakeholders the best way forward. Our experience and insights mean we can also help you set realistic goals that empower your team and build trust with your customers.


Download our Product Roadmap Playbook
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Our partnership with Monterro will help us expand faster and invest in a stronger product platform for our customers. Monterro has a rock-solid track reckord in supporting the kind of growth journey we're aiming for.

Dan Sjöholm, Founder, Trapets

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SaaS transformation

Transforming your on-prem solution to SaaS


If you were to reboot your software company from scratch today, it probably goes without saying that you’d set up as a SaaS company. But if your business has been running for several years, it’s likely that most of your code has been written for on-premises environments.


That means a move to SaaS involves a heap of challenges you’ll need to navigate. Without an experienced partner, it’s really easy to get lost.


We’ve helped numerous companies navigate that journey. So if you can see a simpler, more profitable future with SaaS, we can help you get there safely.

Find out how

Turning your expertise into a marketable product


Software is our home-turf, but we know that sometimes your customers are going to need expert service provision to get the full value of your solution.


But whether it be support, consulting, training, or implementation there are ways to package it into a productized offering that can become a recurring add-on to your software.


This means  less time spent thinking about your billable hours and staffing, and more on providing your customers with a great product (with the added benefit of increasing the value of your company in the process).


This shift can be tricky both for you and your customers, but we’ve been here before and our experience can help you go from “Service with Software” to “Software with Service.”

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