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M.Fusion - Operations


A good strategy, great people, and a leading product will get you a long way, but well-oiled operations will ensure you can efficiently and effectively scale your business.

We know this because we’ve done it ourselves and can give you the tips and tricks – and hands on support – you need to define, develop, and optimise your operations.

Process improvement


Optimising from lead to invoice


Having appropriate support systems in place can be key to scaling efficiently, especially when your company starts to get bigger.

But it’s not as simple as selecting the most well-trodden route.. To be most effective, you need to start from the beginning and look at your processes (from lead to invoice), at the data you have, and at where your data gaps are – everything you need to run your organisation as best as possible.

We help you on that journey, and on how to optimise these processes based on best practices and benchmarks. Once we’ve nailed that down, we help you find the best systems for your needs, based on our experience and our portfolio network, and help you keep costs down by leveraging our combined scale.



Ensuring your products are at the forefront


Developing your product is key for any SaaS company. Without an efficient R&D setup it doesn’t matter how great your product is, your competitors will catch up.


We’ve been there ourselves and know how to help you outpace your peers, not just keep up with them. Implementing the best development methodologies for your business, measuring the right KPIs, and setting appropriate goals will help you create efficiency. And by aligning all of the above with product management, prioritisation on the product roadmap, and collaboration across teams, we help you ensure effectiveness.



Product Roadmap Playbook
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Distributed teams

Scandinavian Software Park by Monterro


For software companies going through growth, finding top software engineers often represents a serious bottleneck.


That’s why we’ve created our Scandinavian Software Park in Hanoi, Vietnam. The park was founded by Monterro to help our portfolio companies access qualified engineers. Monterro takes care of recruitments, administration, and office space. The engineers are employed by Monterro’s portfolio companies and are part of their existing development teams.

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With the support from Scandinavian Software Park we could quickly expand our engineering team. Their help with recruitment and administration has been very valuable, and our new engineers were up and running in a couple of weeks.

Andreas Werner, CTO, Trapets

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Technology optimisation

Making sure your stack can scale


Being a SaaS company brings with it a host of technology problems that most other companies don’t need to worry about – or don’t know they need to worry about.


From cloud infrastructure to micro-services, there are a lot of moving parts that need to come together. In a fast-moving SaaS company, the stack and the processes that worked when you were starting out, might not be best suited for the journey ahead.


We have hands-on experience optimising both tech stacks and the DevOps processes around them to be as scalable as possible without breaking the bank.


Customer operations

Helping you help your customers


We’re specialists in software, but we also know that your customers will often also need expert service support, to get the most value out of your offering. That includes: support, consulting, training, and implementation.


Productising is one way to optimise that, but it’s just as important to make sure that the delivery of your services is as efficient as possible.


Using a set of best practices that mixes the best of the software world with that of the consulting world, we can help you get there – and have the track record to prove it. We can also support you in creating automated processes for managing administration, building out self-service provision, or optimising resource utilisation.

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